This camera doesn't capture falling snow at all, but trust me, this looked so much more fierce than the pictures shows. LOL Jerry just can't stand to see snow pile up, so he prefers to shovel multiple times during snow storms. Luckily, there was 3+ inches of ice pellets underneath, so it was easy digging. We ended up with 6" of snow on top of the ice. On Friday evening, he had to run to the groccery store for junk food. I rarely buy it and he didn't think he would survive a blizzard without it. LOL He came home with 1 bag of chips, 1 package of oreos and 10 snack size candy bars plus a 2 litre of pop. Oh, and 6 cans of mandarin oranges. So much for the junk food run!

I don't like cold weather, so I was content to snap photos from my front door - this in my neighbors house across the street. The camera eliminated the blowing snow that I wanted to show. Oh well.
Every window on the north side of our house was encased in ice like this one. Once the sun came out, the whole house lit up! The ice has since melted from the windows, but we still have snow on the ground. It won't last long. Temps will be back above freezing today and tomorrow predictions are it'll get above 50. That's reason #847 of Why I LOVE Kansas - the snow does NOT hang around long. :)
How did you do? I was watching tornado warnings as well as flooding stories all weekend long for parts of the midwest. It looks like a wave of rain is going to deluge those areas again on Tuesday...
Speaking of which we can not leave and no one can get in here. Unless you have really good four wheel drive. 85th is closed due to power poles in the road (they had to reroute our power) 93rd and 77th have been so busy they are nasty with mud, slush and snow, you have to have a large truck to get through it.
Ahhhh snow! The forecast here calls for rain turning to snow later, but we shouldnt get any accumulation at all. Just your typical Ohio spring....60 one day and 31 the next, grrrrr.
Phelan ~ OMG!! I knew you lived in a flattened area, and you guys are prone to the flooding, but I didn't know it was so bad. How are your animals doing?!
Chris - Ohio weather is just like Kansas weather only more humid and less windy. :) Being from Ohio, I can say I prefer Kansas.
We weren't home for the storm, but when we picked up the dog from the kennel, she said we got 8-10 inches of snow- but by the time we got home around lunch time it had almost all melted and was 40 degrees. ACK! Gotta love the weather in the midwest in the spring. In Illinois, where we were, it started snowing about an hour before we left and we drove through the storm but we had LOTS of rain and lightning there Saturday night.
Wow...I'd say that looks pretty fierce so I can't imagine what it must have looked like in real life.
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