Jerry changed his work schedule last week and we're just not settling into a routine... at all. His hours are shifted as are his days off. Consequently, all my routines have been thrown into a swirling pot. The kids are out of school for summer. And, for the first time in 8 years, I'm working from home.
It all adds up to upheaval. Not that's it's bad.... I LOVE having him home, even if he is asleep when we're awake. I just can't get a grip on a new schedule.
I'll be back when things aren't so upside down.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Rain followed by Sun

Emma turned 3. She has discovered Barney so Gma got her 2 Barney videos. She also noticed, for the first time, that we have a Barney beach towel (was Dalton's ~ 12 years ago!). It's hers now. She's the most singy of all the kiddos, so we belt out the ole "I love you, You love me" song at the top of our lungs, and we don't care how much eye rolling occurs ~ secretly, we know they are singing too. :D

Inspired by Paul, I

I can not stop taking pictures of the chix. They make it easy by hurtling towards me where ever I am. LOL That never gets old!!

I should do updates to the challenges, but I don't feel like it. LOL So much is going on right now in the garden - doubling it has been a bit of a pain. Grass turf is a bugger to get thru. The ground underneath hasn't seen the light of day for 35+ years (back when it was farmland/tilled fields.) So, we are transplanting the turf, double digging, adding compost to holes, mulching between plants and looking forward to this fall when we can plow it all under.
- Blackberry and blueberry bushes arrived, yet to be planted.
- Lettuce is slow coming up, so are radishes.
- Peas are a total loss thanks to the chickens for scratching them up, twice.
- Rhubarb should be harvested.
- We got asparagus in small spurts, never enough all at once, but I planted 10 more.
- Planted another peach tree ~ Elberta.
- Jerry & I shared the first strawberry of the season.

Cole, Braden & Dalton
The boys had a Father/Son fishing trip this past weekend. While they were gone, the girls painted nails, went shopping for coloring books & stickers and had a sleep over in mom's bed.
We have an entire week of balmy, breezy spring-time-in-Kansas weather forecasted (which translates to highs of 80, lows of 60, winds 10-25 mph and low humidity.) Paradise on the prairie!
We have an entire week of balmy, breezy spring-time-in-Kansas weather forecasted (which translates to highs of 80, lows of 60, winds 10-25 mph and low humidity.) Paradise on the prairie!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Adopt a Soldier

Do you remember the movie Pay It Forward? The premise was to do a good deed for someone and they will pay it forward, creating a ripple effect and the good deeds would just keep on being done.
I love that idea. I'm always on the lookout for a way to 'pay it forward'.
A website was sent to me recently that has a daily good deed report. Check it out. Every month, they tackle a new project.
Reading their site led me to Wish Upon a Hero. Of course, it's been televised several times, but *ahem* I don't watch much tv so I missed it. Anyway, the premise there is you can be a wish grantor or wishee. So many of the wishes are for card showers ~ for a great grandma celebrating a milestone birthday or a recent graduate who has no family or for a child that needs a pick me up. Yes, this I can do! I signed up and have been having a blast sending out cards. (Although the website is painfully slow ~ not complaining, just saying.)
Of course, that website led to me the best one yet Adopt A Soldier. I signed up a few days ago and today I got an email with my soldier's info. That was FAST!!
My soldier is a 39 year old gal from California. Now, when I think of Soldier, I think of my nephew - young, 20-something, single guy. I don't think of someone who is my age!! I didn't get much info so I don't know if she's a wife or a mom. All her request said is that she'd like some personal care items. She misses being in familiar places (home!) and whatever she gets (cards, letters or packages) she will share with the other soldiers there.
That made me tear up. She's a gal after my own heart!!!
I know that with summer upon us, this will be a fun project for our family to work on together. Gathering little items and making cards, letters and pictures to send to Colette.
So, won't you take a minute and go be a hero?! Let's pay this one forward!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
72 Eggs, Scrambled

6 dozen eggs, scrambled
3 pounds sausage, browned
Green Peppers
Cheese (we used 1/2 slice of American cheese but shredded works too.)
Aluminum Foil

The kids can easily pop 1 in the microwave for a minute ~ 2 for 1.5 minutes. We like ours with salsa and sour cream. Our recipe made 80+ burritos. Had we had more tortillas, we'd have come close to 100 burritos. But, we decided to make breakfast bowls out of the leftovers. Delish! Next time, we may add shredded potatoes or more veggies.
Next up, Egg Noodles (frozen & dehydrated) & Batches of French Toast for the Freezer
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Indeterminate or Determinate?
I am so impatient to plant the rest of my garden that I decided to toss 10 tomato plants in the ground last night. If they don't make it due to this chilly, wet weather, well, I've got hundreds more. At least I feel a little more productive right now.
When I started them from seed, I just wrote the name of tomato on each stake and failed to include any info. It's important to me to have determinate & indeterminate tomatoes planted in specific places in the garden, more for the difference in staking than anything.
What's the difference? Well, Determinate will set fruit all at once and then they're done. So you can pull the plants out and do something else in that spot. Indeterminate will continue fruiting as long as there is favorable conditions (not too hot, not too cold.)
Rather than have to dig thru the seed packets, I turned to Wikipedia and found this table of Tomato Cultivars. It came in pretty handy.
On a side note, I'm glad I didn't plant last Thursday when all my neighbors did. We got hit with penny to nickel sized hail and they've all lost their tomatoes. I haven't had much luck with having tomatoes bounce back after being destroyed by hail. Other plants/vines come back, but not the tomatoes. Now, they're all in a scramble trying to find more. I have plenty to share of certain varieties, thankfully.
When I plant my tomatoes, I put about 1 tablespoon of Epson Salts in the bottom of the hole (our soil test shows we're on the low side for Magnesium). Add a little compost, then set the plant. I actual bury my tomatoes up to their uppermost leaves. A past neighbor of ours actually laid his in the ground horizontal and gently bent the leave up above ground. Either way, it seems to help the plant set out additional roots. More roots = more stability in these winds.
I am listening to the thunder as I type this, thankful that my collector hubby has a large supply of milk crates. All the maters have their milk crate armor on ~ hopefully this will ward off any hail/dogs/chickens/kids. LOL What we gardeners go thru, huh?!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Someone Special

The gifts just keep coming! Someone else at school had the great idea to sell these little plants in coffee mugs for $1. And, Jerry got me the pink flowers. Plus, he made me a wonderful french toast w/ sausage breakfast to eat in BED with a newspaper and birds chirping outside my window. Who could ask for anything more?!
The afternoon was spent with Phelan and family. Cole got to ride solo and the girls got to ride with Phelan. And hold tiny kittens. And eat delicious, fresh-from-the-oven bread. And play with the not-so-tiny goats. And see Courage up close (she is a beauty!). And talk about plans for beef cows. And hang out with friends. And so much more. A very nice afternoon in deed. Even with the cold, windy day. The bonfire was excellent. I don't think I've ever had a bonfire on Mother's Day before. Seeing my kids so happy is truly a fabulous gift. Spending time with people I admire and appreciate is just the icing on the cake.
On the way home, I saw several Cardinals. They remind me of my Texas Grandma. Whenever I see them, I know it's her way of sending me love. I love you too, Grandma.

We had a great weekend ~ hope you did too.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cinco De Mayo

Thanks to my web friends for providing recipes for tonight's feast. We are not Mexican ~ although I was an exchange student to Mexico City in high school ~ and after touring that beautiful country, I often times wish I still lived there. Let's not debate that remark - just know that there are some incredibly beautiful places, free of signs, telephone poles, wires & consumerism etc that I fell in love with. Plus, it's warm & sunny. Unlike here, where it's chilly and cloudy and I'd swear it was October.
Anyway, on with the link love:
My frugal resolve caused me to buy a large bag of pinto beans for $1.59 instead of the can of fat free beans for $.65. I used a fabulous recipe from a Year of Crock Potting and next time, I'll definitely double it so we can have beans in the freezer.
J&J have a really good tortilla recipe and tortilla chips too!
Plus I made some taco seasoned ** hamburger and we are cracking open the very last jar of salsa made with last summer's produce. *SOB* It seems like fresh tomatoes are so far off in the distance.
We'll pull out the fabulous blanket (pictured above) that I brought back from Mexico and have a little carpet picnic. Ole!
**I do think that he meant to put 1/2 tsp on the cumin - as much as I love it, 12 tsps would've been a bit much. LOL
Monday, May 4, 2009
Mending A Sheet

I could go out and buy a new set ~ but that would invalidate my No Buying New rule. (I did look at the few garage sales I visited last week, but no one had king size sheets.) I didn't want to waste the gas to run to thrift stores and I haven't noticed sheets in them before anyway.
Instead, I opted to mend the sheet. Problem is, I wasn't sure how! I looked at a few sewing options ~ most suggestions were to zig zag stitch it several times. This would be a great if my zig zag stitch was working.
I looked into no-sew options and found that I could use fusible interfacing to cover the rip on both sides. I didn't have any in my meager sewing stash and I asked around my circle of friends - but no one had any either. I had to break down and spend $1.06 for half a yard. It was plenty.
I cut the interfacing into strips. I ironed the sheet, put the interfacing down and ironed it. I did both sides.
Funny, but now it looks like we have the "stripe down the middle" ~ you know ~ like kids that share bedrooms do so each person has to stay on their side of the room.
I got the bed made and also decided to switch out the down comforter to the lighter, summer weight one. Guess what I found?! Yeah, the old set of sheets. The ones I replaced 2 years ago because we'd had them for 5 years and I was tired of the pattern. Sigh. Sometimes my "organization" makes me crazy. If the iron on patch doesn't hold, I now have a free back up plan.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Potato Admiration
I was reading ATW's post about how he and his wife are having an herb contest and I can so relate! My husband and I disagree on just about everything (when they say opposties attract, we took it to the EXTREME). Usually with us, the person with more experience gets his/her way... not so with the garden.

Take the above photo. It is of my good neighbor's potato patch. See how close the rows are? See how close the plants are? SIGH. THAT's how I wanted MY potatoes to be planted. Why? Well, it works for my neighbor and it's space saving.
This photo is of 1/2 of our potato area. See all the missing holes? Complete missing rows ~ okay you don't know what's missing, but I do! I told my husband that we should plant like good neighbor, but noooooooo... we have to do it well spaced out. So, now? Now we get to double the size of our garden because we're out of room. (And, if you're wondering why I didn't plant the potatoes myself, well, we were working "together" that day and I let him have his way.)
It's somewhat hard to see, but Jerry is scalping the lawn about 15 feet out from the current garden. This will give us roughly 35' x 75' plus several raised beds that are in another part of the yard. I had wanted to enlarge it last fall, but it didn't happen - we were debating the merits of enlarging it... suffice to say, he came to my conclusion. *ahem*
Since you're here touring, let me show you what's growing...

See all the greenery in the rows between the raised beds? Can you guess what they are? If you said potatoes, you are the Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner! (what does that mean, anyway? lol) When you don't harvest 100%, the ones left in the ground will grow the next spring. So, we have about 25 bonus plants growing in all kinds of odd places. If they survive the traffic patterns, we'll harvest them too.
Raspberry bushes are looking quite flush. Only 1 failed to sprout so back it goes for an exchange.
Broiler chickens are huddled together in the revised chicken tractor. It's chilly and drizzly today, but they are fully feathered so should be okay. At night, their tractor is covered and stays very warm. I only wish we knew how old they were - we bought them from Atwoods & all they could tell us was they were between 1 - 4 weeks old. So, they are now somewhere between 5 -8 weeks. We plan to butcher around Memorial Day weekend.
Strawberry beds are not as assalted with the poultry netting on, but the Chickens still get in and create havoc. We'll be ordering the electric poultry fencing. We'll either put it around the garden to keep the girls out or create a run to keep them in. It's being debated. :D
Speaking of keeping things out, I don't know if I shared a photo of the rhubarb rescue Jerry built. It has worked great at keeping the horses from eating the stalks to the ground. They keep trying, but they can't quite reach the edge to pull it over. Ha ha ha ~ foiled you!

Take the above photo. It is of my good neighbor's potato patch. See how close the rows are? See how close the plants are? SIGH. THAT's how I wanted MY potatoes to be planted. Why? Well, it works for my neighbor and it's space saving.

Since you're here touring, let me show you what's growing...

See all the greenery in the rows between the raised beds? Can you guess what they are? If you said potatoes, you are the Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner! (what does that mean, anyway? lol) When you don't harvest 100%, the ones left in the ground will grow the next spring. So, we have about 25 bonus plants growing in all kinds of odd places. If they survive the traffic patterns, we'll harvest them too.

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